Business Registration & Formation in the UK

Xenios can become your reliable assistant when it comes to starting a business in Great Britain. We can also help you with relocation routines and provide clients with high-quality financial and legal support. Take a closer look at the main benefits of registration of the company abroad, namely in one of the towns or cities of the United Kingdom.

Benefits of Starting a Business in the UK

Xenios knows all the advantages and positive sides of company registration/formation in the UK. Consider them all if you still have doubts about this country or just would like to pick sides with the optimal variant. Great Britain can become the perfect match for our valuable clients owing to the following reasons:

The UK is a country with an exceptionally stable economic background and solid policy jurisdiction;
There are many investors to attract for your future business scaling up and hitting international markets faster;
Foreign companies registered in the United Kingdom should not pay dividend taxes that is about better management of corporate funds in the UK;
The tax rate in Great Britain is rather favorable among European countries. Businessmen should pay 19% of all the received income;
There is a zero capital requirement here while the charter capital is accessible in various currencies for registration;
Double tax treaties take place in the UK. The same beneficial feature is mentioned in other countries to relocate with your team or just start & run your foreign business.

It is worth noting that starting your business and registration of the company in the UK is optimal for businessmen with any goals. It means that any size of the business can be run there including large-scale corporations, medium-size firms, and small companies.

Accounting and Audit Services in the UK

The Xenios clients can count on the one-stop accounting services that include the full package of required options for comfortable business running in the United Kingdom. Among the services we provide are:

invoice compliance check-up;

issuing internal VAT invoices;

ledger & recording maintenance;

preparation of VAT, declarations, inventory notices, etc.

With an accounting background that can become solid with our experts, the Xenios team is ready to perform audits for your company. Our specialists will prepare annual financial statements, draw up balances & inventory of the company’s assets, prepare and process bank transfers, provide high-level accounting consulting and tax advice, initiate tax audits, and many more.

You can count on our auditors, who can undertake initial and periodic accounting training, introduce tax & accounting laws updated, and prepare business trip & documentation guides while performing other tasks at your request.

Business Registration Services in the UK

Six steps should be performed for hassle-free company registration in the United Kingdom. Entrust the following processes to Xenios to stay pleased with the final result:

  1. Our specialists select the optimal legal form for the future company.
  2. Our competent experts prepare all the necessary documents to apply for registration (passports, residence documents, etc.).
  3. The Xenios team applies for the registration.
  4. Our specialists work with local authorities to fulfill all the requirements and complete the procedure.
  5. Our accounting specialists open the bank account to run the business smoothly in the UK.
  6. Finally, all the taxation and accounting routines take place. The company can start its activities in the UK.

Consulting Services for the UK-based Businesses

The Xenios competent team can develop business strategies and ready-to-use business models in the context of high-grade consulting services. Our experts define development indicators, improve human-resource approaches, solve disputes with partners, assist with management tasks, prevent collapses and bankruptcy cases, plan sales funnels for businesses, etc.

Due to the Xenios business consulting services, our clients can expand their customer base, manage their human resources properly, get their company out of stagnation, increase revenues, and realize the best ideas for further progress.

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Legal Services for the UK-Based Businesses

We have the most experienced attorneys, legal advisors, and other narrow-direction specialists to help our clients solve various challenges. The Xenios solutions promoted are exceptionally in adherence with the letter of the law.

Contact us if you need consulting in the context of dispute solving, counterparty verification, legal support of the company in the negotiation processes, tax audit performance, signing contracts, consulting on bank loans and employees’ hiring/firing, labor relation regulations, intellectual property protections, tax legislation consulting, corporate law advice, or assistance with other tasks. Let’s discuss the terms of our fruitful cooperation.

How Xenios Can Help You with Business Starting in the UK?

Our competent experts will consult you on all the questions related to business registration, company formation, and relocation to Great Britain. We will highlight all the benefits of your very case to improve your presence in the international arena. Customers who are interested in our services can opt for 100% foreign ownership, fast company registration (within one calendar week), extended options for the private company for a single director or shareholders, etc.

Remember that the United Kingdom is the perfect company with an awesome global reputation and favorable terms for starting and running the business. Explore all the benefits of this location and request a callback to discuss details.

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